Saturday, March 15

Day: August 13, 2021

Low Odds Betting: The Basics Explained

Low Odds Betting: The Basics Explained

Low odds betting is something that many people don't want to touch with a barge pole, but it shouldn't be feared. Betting on low odds bets isn't just about fluke success. You need to know what you're doing before placing a wager on any online sports betting singapore sites. Most of the time, these bets are placed without any knowledge of why the odds are what they are, leading to more losses than winnings. What Are Low Odds? The term 'high odds' refers to the bookmaker's margin over the pay-out on offer. If a bookie is offering 2/1 for a particular bet, this means that he has an 81% chance of profiting from the outcome of that particular bet). 'Low odds', on the other hand, refers to our chances of winning, which are less likely than in high-odds betting. For example, if you pl...